In 2015 we presented a program of three short plays:

  • SeniorStages-V_Web266x272_ColorDead Right – by Elaine Jarvik
    • A friend’s tedious, grammatically incorrect obituary plunges Penny and Bill into a prickly discussion at the breakfast table. How could Bill read the paper when they have their own obituaries to plan? Dead Right is a touching comedy about how we hope to be remembered.
  • Stuck – by Elaine Jarvik and Robert F. Benjamin
    • Linda and Bert have each been out of the dating scene for decades when they meet through and online matching service. Their first date to an amusement park is put into jeopardy when they find themselves stuck together atop a roller-coaster.
  • Together at Last – by Elaine Jarvik and Robert F. Benjamin
    • Newlyweds Ed and Patsy have a lot to discuss when a visit to the gravesite of Ed’s first wife uncovers some buried insecurities as well as some unanswered questions about living arrangements for this life…and the next.

Download the playbill here: SeniorStage_Playbill2015_Web