You asked–we got answers! We recently opened up this question on our Facebook page, “What is something you always wanted to know about Nathan Pacheco?” Well, now we know! You sent us questions, we sent those to Nathan, along with a few questions of our own, and he has answered. Check out the interview below!

        1. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?

          Grab the baby! :-) Katie and I have two beautiful little boys. Emerson is 4 and Crawford is 1. Crawford is usually our alarm clock. Since Katie holds down the fort at all other times while I’m working, I try and take morning duty. So, when I hear Crawford fussing in his crib, I roll out of bed and do a simple breakfast for the boys!

        2. Who is the last person who called or texted you?


        3. What’s the first album you bought?

          I think it was one of Pink Floyd’s albums, believe it or not! I loved the guitar in high school and remember listening a lot to Pink Floyd and Dave Matthew’s Band.

        4. What music are you currently listening to?

          I love Hans Zimmer. I listen a lot to different movie soundtracks that he has done. I’d love to work with him someday.

        5. What is your TV guilty pleasure?

          There are too many to name! When I’m not on the road, Katie and I love finding shows on Netflix or Amazon. As soon as the kids are in bed, we find a great movie or TV series and binge!

        6. What was the first concert you ever attended?

          Dave Matthew’s Band. It was at the Nissan Pavilion in Virginia. I ended up seeing him a couple times there. He and his band were fantastic.

        7. What toppings do you like on your pizza?

          Canadian bacon, pineapple, peppers, sausage, cheese…please!

        8. When were you last star struck?

          I met Tom Hanks at a charity event in LA a few years ago. We were both in the green room and I had no shame. I went straight up to him and told him how amazing I thought he was and what a fan I was of his work.

        9. What’s the one word you are guilty of using too often?


        10. What’s your favorite emoji?

          A combination of these 3!

        11. “What is your favorite song to sing?”—Glenn R Welker

          That’s a hard one, Glenn. There are quite a few that reach me in similar ways. But without a doubt, “Nessun Dorma” is one of the most enjoyable songs to sing. Every time I sing it, it’s like I’m standing on the edge of a cliff and jumping off and hoping something will catch me. The high notes are incredibly hard to sing, but I think that’s why it’s so much fun and why I feel so much emotion when I sing them. Puccini was a genius and this song of his will forever be a masterpiece.

        12. “Have you ever had an embarrassing moment on stage? If so, how did you get through it?” – Emily Tolman

          Hi Emily! All the time. I usually just try and put on my “game face” and keep on going. Sometimes the voice doesn’t quite work as you’d like it to and there are have been plenty of less-than-perfect notes I’ve sung during shows. If they’re not that obvious, I’ll usually just keep on going and pretend it never happened. But sometimes I just acknowledge it to the audience and smile!

        13. “How did you meet your wife” –Judy Guest Leavitt

          We met through a friend in Virginia when I was home for the holidays one year. My good friend invited me out for New Year’s Eve. I was living in Florida at the time, working with Yanni, so I wasn’t able to spend much time with my family. So, I thanked him for the invite, but told him I’d have to pass. Well, I changed my mind, and that night I met Katie and I guess you could say we’ve kept in touch ever since! 

        14. “What is your favorite rock and roll band?” –Julie Cude Whittier

          I love Coldplay!

        15. “What are your future plans? New CD? Song Writing? Touring? Etc.”—Bonnie Mays

          Well, later this year I will release my first full Christmas album. Last year I released an EP (a mini album), and we have taken that and have made it into a full album. In fact, it was just mixed and mastered last week. Keep an eye out for it come November.Along with that release, I will be doing a Christmas tour in November and December of this year. I’m very excited about that.Song writing? I love writing. I’m always working on new ideas and hope to have them recorded and released in 2018 sometime. Something I’m really working toward is being able to do another “TV” special. My goal is to have a full show recorded in 2018 and have it released on either Netflix of Amazon. Lots to do in order to bring that about, but wish me luck!