While we would love to move forward with our programming, waiting to see if things improve as we start heading into the summer season, there are many upfront costs associated with our concert series. To cancel a show at the last minute would be a large financial risk to take with our donor and sponsorship dollars.
We are working with the artists to reschedule for 2021. We cannot guarantee we will have the same lineup next year, but the artists were just as excited to come to The Kenley Amphitheater as we were to have them. We are hopeful that most of them will be able to join us next summer.
We are currently working hard to provide our community with as much high-quality artistic programming as we can while keeping everyone safe. Keep an eye on our Facebook page and our email newsletters for more information on upcoming virtual and responsibly socially distanced in-person events!
Thank you for supporting us as we navigate through these unprecedented times. We are looking forward to when we can all get together again. Stay safe!