Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

Readers of all ages and walks of life have drawn inspiration and empowerment from Elizabeth Gilbert’s books for years. Now, this beloved author digs deep into her own generative process to share her wisdom and unique perspective about creativity. With profound empathy and radiant generosity, she offers potent insights into the mysterious nature of inspiration. 

I read this book a few years ago and I loved her advice on how to live an unapologetic creative life, regardless of your version of creativity.  

-Kym Ridl, Marketing Manager

Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear with Elizabeth Gilbert 


Country Music: A Film by Ken Burns

This PBS special is an 8 part series.  It tells how country music got its start in 1933 and has changed over the years to what it is today.  I found this series to be extremely informative and entertaining.

-Laura Ridl, Director of Operations

Official Extended Trailer | Country Music | A Film by Ken Burns | PBS 


Unlocking Us with Brené Brown podcast

I’m a fan of Brown’s books so I was happy when she started this podcast in 2020.  She’s very human and isn’t afraid to be vulnerable and show her embarrassing traits.  When she has celebrities on (which are the least effective of her guests in my opinion) she has a tendency to become a giggling fan-geek, but can also draw interesting information from them.  She’s at her best when she puts on her professor hat and talks about her research regarding courage, shame, and empathy.  I especially love her story-telling.

Episode to check out first:  Her conversation with Austin Channing Brown who wrote the book I’m Still Here: Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness is coming up.  That was a really interesting podcast and I really liked her book.  This was June 9th so it was smack dab in the middle of Black Lives Matter.

-Teri Cowan, Director of Community Engagement

Unlocking Us with Brené Brown